Insan Statistik Teladan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gunung Kidul Regency

BPS integrated statistics service (PST) of Gunungkidul Regency in online service via live chat (8.30 a.m - 3.30 p.m workday) 

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The BPS of Gunungkidul Regency has returned to Jl Pemuda 19 A Baleharjo Wonosari

Insan Statistik Teladan

Insan Statistik Teladan

August 24, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Proudly Present our Insan Statatistik Teladan: Choerul Umam, S.ST, M.Ec.Dev.

Congratulations to Choerul Umam, S.ST, M.Ec.Dev. has become an elected Insan Statatistik Teladan and is entitled to represent BPS Gunungkidul Regency in the IST phase 2 election.

With the election of Choerul Umam, S.ST, M.Ec.Dev. as IST 2023, it can be an example for all employees in BPS Gunungkidul Regency to continue to progress and work.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Gunungkidul Statistics of Gunungkidul RegencyJl. Pemuda 19A Baleharjo Wonosari 55811

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