Semanu Subdistrict in Figures 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gunung Kidul Regency

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The BPS of Gunungkidul Regency has returned to Jl Pemuda 19 A Baleharjo Wonosari

Semanu Subdistrict in Figures 2018

Catalog Number : 1102001.3403060
Publication Number : 34030.1805
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : September 26, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.76 MB


Semanu Subdistrict in Figures 2018 publications is a continuation of the publication of the previous year containing geographical situation, demographic, social, economic, and others. These data are presented as an overview and analysis of materials results in the development of various sectors in the Subdistrict of Semanu that can be used by the consumer data, both government agencies, private entities and individuals as an evaluation, control or planning as well as further study materials.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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