Development of Consumer Price Index in January 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gunung Kidul Regency

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Development of Consumer Price Index in January 2020

Release Date : February 5, 2020
File Size : 0.83 MB


  • Yogyakarta City in January 2020 experienced inflation of 0.27 percent due to an increase in the consumer price index of the food, beverage and tobacco group by 1.39 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels group by 0.33 percent; health group by 0.13 percent; information, communication and financial services group by 0.08 percent; food and beverage / restaurant supply group by 0.45 percent and personal care and other services group increased by 0.45 percent. Meanwhile, the groups that experienced deflation were the clothing and footwear group by -0.07 percent; the household supplies, equipment and routine maintenance group by -0.04 percent; the transportation group by -1.22 percent; the recreation, sports and culture group by -0.03 percent. The education group experienced no change.
  • Of the 90 cities that calculated the inflation rate, 79 CPI cities experienced inflation and 11 CPI cities experienced deflation, the highest inflation occurred in Meulaboh City at 1.44 percent followed by Gunungsitoli City and Metro at 1.31 percent and 1.15 percent respectively. While the largest deflation occurred in Bau-Bau City which reached -1.39 percent.
  • The calendar inflation rate (January 2020 against December 2019) was 0.27 percent and the year on year inflation rate (January 2020 against January 2019) was 2.57 percent. 
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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